Italian Dinosaur life-sized sculpture made of LEGO® bricks by Bricker Builds

Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur

4.97 (37 Rezensionen)
  • Geringer Bestand --145 Artikel übrig
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Normaler Preis$89.99

Der vertrauenswürdige Dinosaurier-Verbündete des italienischen Klempners ist in die Welt geschlüpft!

Unser größtes Modell bis heute wird das Highlight in Ihrer Sammlung sein, es posiert cool und ist einfach großartig. Diese Figur ist aus über 6.000 Steinen gebaut und ist fast 2,5 Fuß hoch!

Disclaimer: This product is not an official LEGO® product and is not endorsed by any franchise creator or license holder.

Piece Count

6.789 LEGO® Steine

If you purchase the Bricks and Instructions option, you'll be getting brand new, official LEGO® bricks.

Skill Level


Designed by

Dave Holder

Dave's models are on display at LEGOLAND® Melbourne and the LEGO Masters TV show!

'Bausteine & Anleitungen' Enthält:

  • 6.789 LEGO® Steine (brandneue Originalteile)
  • Bauanleitungen (herunterladbare PDF-Datei)

Abmessungen: Höhe: 29,7" (754,38 mm) | Breite: 20,2" (513,08 mm) | Tiefe: 20,5" (520,7 mm)

Gewicht: ~414,495 oz | ~11,75 kg

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37 Rezensionen
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Thank you bricker Builds to create such a beautiful family 🪠🇮🇹
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
I just finished the Italian Dinosaur! It's amazing! The instructions were easy to follow and I plan to build more brickerbuilds models in the future!
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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My favorite Lego build ever! I really enjoyed putting it all together. Can't wait to start on another one!!!
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
This was my first model for 2025. My first sculpture and i have to say this is a amazing model and experience i am nearly done now and from the ordering to receiving the bricks and instructions was flawless. One tip i have is when you are starting on the plate make sure you measure right because if you don’t you will not be able to connect his legs later also the left leg needs to be one stud ahead of the right leg the instructions only measure between the legs probably help if the had the measure from the top of the plate for the second leg too. Thanks again Bricker Builds loving building of this and the Model is beautiful. If you are a Mario Fan and do Lego completely recommend this build.
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
Loved this build. Looks great in my lego room
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Amazing build!
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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I was searching the web trying to find Italian Plumber builds and luckily came by this web page. You guys went above and beyond on this design. I enjoyed it so much and the results, that I bought the green plumber, the mushrooms, and the star! Brightens up my bookshelf and I get a lot of compliments on your masterpieces!
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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Loved loved LOVED this build! I bought this at a convention where I got to meet the team and just couldn’t wait to come home and build it! Alas, life started “lifing” and it sat for almost a year before being built in just three days. I did mess up a few times and the last day completely dismantled the head and started over but then I started building the left and right side consecutively and it made it SO much easier. I look forward to more builds like this in the future! Thanks for a great weekend of relaxing building!
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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I think by far one of the most amazing builds I have ever done. It was so addicting that I couldn't stop that I finished it in 3 days. I can't wait to have enough money for Luigi. LOL
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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Love it!!! Order sheet is spot on, instructions are easy to navigate the finished product is incredible!!! My only note is some of the filler pieces dont have to be the color designated in the order sheet so I wish there was a lil note that mentioned that. Ie lime 1x3 is tough to find so I just used yellow. Anywhoo, leep up the great work! We need a yoshi next!!
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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Italian Plumber is a very fun build and I love the end result! Very sturdy.
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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Excellent! Superb construction. It takes a long time (over 7000 parts, you need time to assemble them) but the result is great! I'm always amazed by guys who can think up this kind of build... Well done, guys!
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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Fantastic build! We are a very enthusiastic family when it comes to Lego, my fiancé, stepson, and I all love and build Lego sets all the time. This set was a Christmas gift for my fiancé. He absolutely loved, and enjoyed the build, so much so he had it completed in 4 days. Well worth the money, and shipping was reasonably fast as well even with the holiday season being a factor. Highly recommend bricker builds!
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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Excellent set so happy with my purchase
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Great build. I'm having a lot of fun constructing this 2 ft Mario. This brings me back to my childhood when we got the Nintendo Entertainment System! I'm about half way done, because I'm taking my time and enjoying the construction.
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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Thank you so so much. This was awesome. I’ve tried other MOC‘s before, and they really didn’t work. This was all genuine and worked great. once again, thank you Bricker builds
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Thanks for amazing experience & adventure & unique to build the group 🇮🇹🪠
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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This is my second build after his brother. It was only right to have them both. This was just as much fun. The way they are designed are A+. I love the entire Mario collection
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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This was an excellent build. Wasn't a big Lego fan but saw this and wanted it sooo bad. This just brought back childhood memories playing Nintendo. My family and friends love it also.
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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Challenging but fun build. Lost a few hours building this beast and a throughly enjoyable experience. Easy to follow and a great addition to the collection
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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Really love the challenge of building Mario and his mushroom, took me almost two weeks but it kept me busy
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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The build was great and well structured. It does have a stability issue on the right arm but it is easily remedied. It is only an issue if you plan to display this build with something sitting on the hand. Awesome part of my collection
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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Great model, goes perfect with the other Bricker Builds models. My son enjoyed building it as with all the sets. Thaks a lot BB!!!
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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I adore my italian plumber. So excited to add this amazing build to my collection. Next up his brother starting tomorrow
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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Love the Italian Brothers and Angry Enemies collections. Thank you, Bricker Builds! Each of these builds are well built and easy to follow along instructions. Love that Mario and items are life size thank you for bringing me back to my childhood. Keep up the great work!
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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Love the Italian Brothers and Angry Enemies collections. Thank you, Bricker Builds! Each of these builds are well built and easy to follow along instructions. Love that Mario and items are life size thank you for bringing me back to my childhood. Keep up the great work!
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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Great build, I love how it looks finished but the right arm keeps falling off mine I think it could have used some Technic beams to strengthen the arm.
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I have never played with lego when I was younger, and now at 26 I am addicted. During the pandemic, I wanted to start a fun hobby and found this masterpiece. I HAD TO HAVE IT! Being this was my first ever lego project it took me 6 months to build and boy it was fun! MARIO will be with me anywhere I go. Such a cool display piece. Even a year later he still stands tall and I can’t stop myself from looking at him and smiling! Well done! 🥹
Italienische Dinosaurier Lebensgroße Skulptur review
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Of other planet lego set, I loved building this new lego set, I loved every part of it. The only observation is that the last pages of the instructions are a bit cut and some do not come out with the complete pieces to use but otherwise I loved building this Incredible lego, I definitely recommended this lego set if you are Mario Bross and lego fan
woman sitting on steps next to eevee bricker builds lego build and holding poke ball bricker builds lego build

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