Should auld brick-quaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?-For Auld Brick Syne
The New Year is here and with it the team at Bricker Builds plans to ring in a year's worth of new and exciting builds for you to enjoy. While there's plenty to look forward to in 2024, our builds of years past aren't resigned to Auld Lang Syne just yet!
Before we hurry off into the new year, take a moment to stroll through memory lane with us. Our Retro Instant Camera has captured some great stories from 2023 – and all of these builds are eager to share their 2024 chapter with you!

Our first venture saw one of our most classic builds get lost to time (for a bit, anyway!). Our designers were testing out the new Portal Gun when suddenly Cap's Shield was flung into 1943! Our team may have lost their bricks a bit over this little slip, but the shield ended up back in its rightful time in the end – and with a nice photo too!

And of course we had to end the year by testing out a new build at our annual Bricksmas party! The Adamantium Claws are a guaranteed hit – though sadly even they can't spice up the dreaded holiday fruitcake...
All in all it was a memorable year that we'll certainly never forget – and it wouldn't have been possible without your support! Thanks for being a part of our journey in 2023. We can't wait to share more builds with you this year!
Share your 2023 brick-ventures with us in the comments below (or over on our Instagram and Discord). And stay tuned for more blog posts in 2024 – there will be a new post once every two weeks!
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